Clean A.F. - Alkaline Formula MESSY MONDAY

Here is our current promotion. We will give away $100 and product every week. All you have to do is post a pic of your messy kid.

This months “MESSY MONDAY” promotion: Your messy player can win you $100 cash, a free get it all kit, and we will refurbish the uniform for free.

Post your messy child’s pic on our Facebook page @cleanalkalineformula to enter each week's contest. The post will be at the top of our page.

Here are the rules:
1. If I can’t touch the uniform and clean it, then it’s not eligible. That mean it has to be currently dirty or stained. As long as you have a good before picture and I have the opportunity to make a good after pic; you’re good.
2. The winner will be decided by picture likes of the messy uniform or garment on this page.
3. The winner will be picked at 12:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (noon) every Monday. Noon is important because if your child needs the uniform back before the weekend we will email you expedited shipping labels to make it work. Hopefully standard shipping will suffice, but either way we will make it work.
4. Any uniform counts. The voters will decide by likes, so this should work itself out.
5. The person who mails me the uniform and posts the picture is the winner. If you can’t touch the garment then you can’t touch the money.